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Photo of Elia Manero de la Cruz Spain

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Elia Manero de la Cruz, BA in Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in prints and drawings, has worked with numerous publishers in the picture albums and books for children and youth.

Currently collaborate on various projects with different publishers illustrating and designing.


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Elia Manero de la Cruz, BA in Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in prints and drawings, has worked with numerous publishers in the picture albums and books for children and youth.

Currently collaborate on various projects with different publishers illustrating and designing.

Titles published:

The Journey of the Magi. SAN PABLO PUBLISHING, 2008. Text, illustrations and design.

The album of Christmas. SAN PABLO PUBLISHING, 2007. Text, illustrations and design.

The Tuatara Verde Country Signs EDITORIAL PONS, 2007 Education Project Child road. Design and illustration.

The Green Tuatara EDITORIAL Traficalia PONS, 2007 Draft Road Safety Education of Children. Design and illustration.

The Tuatara sidewalks in search of Mo EDITORIAL PONS, 2007 Draft Road Safety Education of Children. Design and illustration.

The Teapot. EDITORIAL Anaya Children and Teenagers, 2006 Loved Stories soup. Illustration and Design.

EDITIONS celebrate my First Communion SAN PABLO, 2007 Text, illustrations and design.

The Marzipan man. EDITORIAL KALANDRAKA, 2003. Illustration and Design.

0pt "> The Shoemaker and the Elves. Kalandraka, 2004. Illustration and Design.

Dreamcatcher. EDITORIAL KALANDRAKA, 2006. Illustration and Design.

Weird words. EDITORIAL EDELVIVES, 2002. Illustrations.


The making of men's suits. Shops MILANO, 2001. Illustrations storefronts.

School of Arts and Crafts, No. 10 (Madrid): First Course in Illustration.

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